My Ocean Escape
What a week was had.

Highlight, of course, was meeting Lindy from Downunder Dreaming. We quickly discovered we had many things in common and not just a love for being spanked - lol!! We chatted over lunch, more chatting over coffee, even more chatting as we did some retail therapy and, even as we stared out into the ocean, our mouths were still working hard. Poor Bear couldn't get a word in!
Thanks for my lovely gift Lindy. The spatula is especially handy as it has conversion measurements on it. Great for following those US recipes on line.
These photos were taken along the Great Ocean Road. One of my favourite roads in Australia. It follows the South Western Victorian coastline and is stunning. I managed to capture so much of it as the sun was setting.
It truly is a magnificent area to visit.
Travelling this road brought back many memories for me. Back in my younger days it was a regular haunt and a place my, then, spanker and I used to visit. I passed many inlets and towns which evoked lovely spanking memories (and some not so lovely - lol!!) Ahh, those were the days...
When I find my Mr Spanky, I intend to take him along this beautiful coastline and hopefully we can create a new bunch of memories for us both to treasure.
And, so, now I am back home and back to reality. Clothes to wash, animals to feed, house to clean. But a lovely week was had.
Meeting Lindy was wonderful and a lovely friendship was created. I know we will catch up as often as is possible and continue to deafen Bear with our chatter.
I am so pleased the hairbrush has come in handy, Lindy (insert evil grin). I had one exactly the same and, until it cracked (literally) on my bottom, it was a fav. My new one sits in the drawer ready to be christened one day.
But, until then, you keep swatting away Bear, we both know Lindy needs it!!